Lavin, IrvingIrvingLavin2019-05-012019-05-012007Lavin, Irving, “Bernini's Cosmic Eagle," in Lavin, ed., Gianlorenzo Bernini. New Aspects of His Art and Thought, 1985, 209-14., Irving, “Bernini's Cosmic Eagle," in Lavin, ed., Gianlorenzo Bernini. New Aspects of His Art and Thought, 1985, 209-14. Revised and reprinted in Lavin, Visible Spirit, I, London, 2007, 509-23.Gianlorenzo Berninirealistaspects of the visual worldmarblebronzeWilliam AshworthGalileoBernini's Cosmic EagleRevised and reprinted in Lavin, Visible Spirit, I, London, 2007, 509-23.Animation