Schmidtke, SabineSabineSchmidtke2017-10-122017-10-122009Sabine Schmidtke, (2009), pp. 105-118 “The doctrinal views of the Banu l-ʿAwd (early 8th/14th century): an analysis of ms Arab. f. 64 (Bodleian Library, Oxford).” Le shiʿisme imamite quarante ans après. Hommage à Etan Kohlberg. Eds. Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi, Meir Bar-Asher, Simon Hopkins. Turnhout: Brepols, 2009, pp. 357-3829782503531144 ShiismBanu l-AwdKalamMuslim Intellectual HistoryThe doctrinal views of the Banu l-ʿAwd (early 8th/14th century): an analysis of ms Arab. f. 64 (Bodleian Library, Oxford)Book chapter0000-0002-6181-5065