Lavin, IrvingIrvingLavin2019-05-012019-05-012007Lavin, Irving, "Bernini and the Crossing of Saint Peter's". (Monographs on Archaeology and the Fine Arts sponsored by the Archaeological Institute of America and the College Art Association of America, XVII), New York, 1968., Irving, "Bernini and the Crossing of Saint Peter's". (Monographs on Archaeology and the Fine Arts sponsored by the Archaeological Institute of America and the College Art Association of America, XVII), New York, 1968. Revised and reprinted in Lavin, "Visible Spirit," I, London, 2007, 62-185.BerninicrossingSaint Peter'sUrban VIIIrelicsaltartombbasilicapiersbaldachinPaul VVolto SantoBernini and the Crossing of Saint Peter'sRevised and reprinted in Lavin, "Visible Spirit," I, London, 2007, 62-185.Book chapter