Torallas Tovar, SofíaSofíaTorallas TovarBoud'hors, AnneAnneBoud'hors2022-10-252024-10-252022Boud’hors, Anne and Sofía Torallas Tovar, “The Shorter Ending of the Gospel of Mark in the Coptic Versions”, COMSt 8.2 (2022) 495-511.’hors, Anne and Sofía Torallas Tovar, “The Shorter Ending of the Gospel of Mark in the Coptic Versions”, COMSt 8.2 (2022) 495-511. The Transmission of Mark’s Endings in Different Traditions and Languages. Papers presented at the International Workshop, Lausanne, 2–3 June 2022, eds Claire Clivaz, Mina Monier, and Dan Batovici.This article aims to clarify the issue of the endings of Mark in the Coptic versions. It endeavors to show that the endings of Mark fit within the general context of the textual history of the Sahidic Coptic versions of the Gospel of Mark as recently proposed by the authors. It also examines the details of the conclusio brevior, prevalent in part of the Coptic tradition, as shown by the research carried out within the framework of the ‘SNSF Mark 16’ project directed by Claire Clivaz. In addition, it highlights some of the particularities of the textual tradition of the ending of Mark, which could indicate an influence of a monastic environment in Upper Egypt.en-USGospel of MarkCopticTransmissionTraditionsLanguagesThe Shorter Ending of the Gospel of Mark in the Coptic VersionsConference paper