Schmidtke, SabineSabineSchmidtke2021-01-112021-01-112022Sabine Schmidtke, "Saʿd b. Manṣūr Ibn Kammūna's Writings and Transcriptions in the Maktabat al-Rawḍa al-Ḥaydariyya, Najaf: Preservation, Loss, and Recovery of the Philosophical Heritage of Muslims and Jews," Intellectual History of the Islamicate World 10 (2022), pp. 278–325 paper attempts to reconstruct the corpus of writings by Ibn Kammūna as well as his transcriptions of works by others that were kept in the Rawḍa al-Ḥaydariyya in Najaf during the early twentieth century. Additionally, the paper discusses a slim codex, which was sold by Dreweatts in 2019 (“Lot 69”) and resurfaced on the market in October 2020 when it was offered for auction by Sotheby’s as “Lot 406”. A tentative suggestion is made that the codex still belonged to the Rawḍa at the beginning of the twentieth century. The appendix includes a facsimile of the codex, which contains Ibn Kammūna’s Talkhīṣ Lubāb al-manṭiq wa-khulāṣat al-ḥikma, comprising excerpts from a work by Najm al-Dīn al-Nakhjiwānī, in order to support future scholarship on Ibn Kammūna and al-Nakhjiwānī.NajafSaʿd b. Manṣūr Ibn Kammūnaal-Rawḍa al-ḤaydariyyaNajm al-Dīn al-NakhjiwānīLubāb al-manṭiq wa-khulāṣat al-ḥikmaĀghā Buzurg al-ṬihrānīMuḥammad b. Ṭāhir b. Ḥabīb al-SamāwīMuḥammad Riḍā al-ShabībīSaʿd b. Manṣūr Ibn Kammūna's Writings and Transcriptions in the Maktabat al-Rawḍa al-Ḥaydariyya, Najaf: Preservation, Loss, and Recovery of the Philosophical Heritage of Muslims and JewsJournal article10.1163/2212943X-bja100030000-0002-6181-5065