Lavin, IrvingIrvingLavin2019-05-012019-05-012000Lavin, Irving, “Storm King: The Genius of the Place," in Earth, Sky, and Sculpture. Storm King Art Center, Mountainville, NY, 2000, 52-64., Irving, “Storm King: The Genius of the Place," in Earth, Sky, and Sculpture. Storm King Art Center, Mountainville, NY, 2000, 52-64. Italian translation in Lavin, L’arte della storia dell’arte, Milan, 2008, 126-31.Storm KinggeniusSanctuaryNew York State ThruwayAppalachian MountainsStorm King: The Genius of the PlaceItalian translation in Lavin, L’arte della storia dell’arte, Milan, 2008, 126-31.Article