Lavin, IrvingIrvingLavin2019-05-012019-05-011983Lavin, Irving, “The Art of Art History," ARTnews, LXXXII, 1983, 96-101., Irving, “The Art of Art History," ARTnews, LXXXII, 1983, 96-101. Reprinted in World Futures, XL, 1994, 13-25. Spanish translation in Juana Gutiérrez Haces, ed., Los discursos sobre el arte: XV Coloquio Internacional de Historia del Arte, México D.F., 1995, 19-34. Reprinted in Leonardo, XXIX, 1996, 29-34. Italian translation in Lavin, L’arte della storia dell’arte, 2008, historyallegoryBertrand RussellEnglishphilosopherwork of artinner lightCelticBook of KellsThe Art of Art HistoryReprinted in World Futures, XL, 1994, 13-25.Spanish translation in Juana Gutiérrez Haces, ed., Los discursos sobre el arte: XV Coloquio Internacional de Historia del Arte, México D.F., 1995, 19-34.Reprinted in Leonardo, XXIX, 1996, 29-34.Italian translation in Lavin, L’arte della storia dell’arte, 2008, 8-15.Article