Lavin, IrvingIrvingLavin2019-05-012019-05-012007Lavin, Irving, "Bernini's Death," The Art Bulletin, LIV, 1972, 159-86., Irving, "Bernini's Death," The Art Bulletin, LIV, 1972, 159-86. Partially reprinted in George C. Bauer, Bernini in Perspective, Englewood Cliffs, 1976, 111-26. Italian translation in Le immagini del Salvatore. Fabbriche e sculture per l'Ospizio Apostolico dei Poveri Invalidi, exhib. cat., Rome, 1988, 229-57, and in Lavin, Bernini e il salvatore, 1998, 15-54. Revised and reprinted in Lavin, Visible Spirit, I, London, 2007, 287-353.BerninideathFilippo BaldinucciDomenicoSangue di CristoBernini's DeathPartially reprinted in George C. Bauer, Bernini in Perspective, Englewood Cliffs, 1976, 111-26.Italian translation in Le immagini del Salvatore. Fabbriche e sculture per l'Ospizio Apostolico dei Poveri Invalidi, exhib. cat., Rome, 1988, 229-57, and in Lavin, Bernini e il salvatore, 1998, 15-54.Revised and reprinted in Lavin, Visible Spirit, I, London, 2007, 287-353.Article