Krateros Project2019-05-092019-05-09IVaKP470 suggested associations and joins see Hesp. 9.109-110. Translation of 493 fr.a by Zoe Thierfelder, The Lawrenceville School class of 2019: GODS In the archonship of Leostratos in the Twelfth presidency held by the tribe Aiantis, In which Diophontos son of Dionysodoros From Phegous was secretary; on the 21st day of Skirophorion, and The 23rd day of the prytany; The principal assembly; of the presidents, Deximbrotos son of Arkesilos from Paiania And the co-presidents brought a vote; the people resolved; Kallias son of Lysimachos From Hermos submitted the proposal. Whereas Nikon from Abydos at all times is continually benevolent towards the people of the Athenians And does good service to those of the Athenians arriving at Abydos both in private and in public business, doing good however he is able On behalf of the polis, and in the previous war, He saved many of the citizens from the naval battle And giving them provisions he sent them (back) To the city; may it seem good to the People to praise Nikon son of Nikostratos from Abydos on account of his virtue And on account of his favor toward the people Of the Athenians and to wreath him with a crown Of gold costing [..] drachmasimage/jpeggrcThese images are available for use, but please indicate their origin (including the name of the squeeze collection and the Institute for Advanced Study) and their Krateros ID in your publication. Please also send an electronic copy of your publication to in honor of Nikon of Abydos.Decree, HonorificDecreeIG_II(2)_00493IG II(2) 493Epigraphic Squeeze