Lavin, IrvingIrvingLavin2019-05-012019-05-012009Lavin, Irving, “Urbanitas Urbana. The Pope, the Artist, and the Genius of the Place," in Lorenza Mochi Onori, et al., eds., I Barbernini e la cultura europea del seicento, Rome, 2007, 15-30., Irving, “Urbanitas Urbana. The Pope, the Artist, and the Genius of the Place," in Lorenza Mochi Onori, et al., eds., I Barbernini e la cultura europea del seicento, Rome, 2007, 15-30. Revised and reprinted in Lavin, Visible Spirit, II, London, 2009, 1267-1335.popesHoly SpiritDivine WisdomUrban VIIIprinciple of divine interventionswarm of beesUrbanitas Urbana. The Pope, the Artist, and the Genius of the PlaceRevised and reprinted in Lavin, Visible Spirit, II, London, 2009, 1267-1335.Article