Lavin, IrvingIrvingLavin2019-05-012019-05-011990Lavin, Irving, "Lettres de Parme (1618, 1627-28), et débuts du théâtre baroque," in Jean Jacquot, ed., Le Lieu théâtral à la Renaissance, Paris, 1964, 105-58., Irving, "Lettres de Parme (1618, 1627-28), et débuts du théâtre baroque," in Jean Jacquot, ed., Le Lieu théâtral à la Renaissance, Paris, 1964, 105-58. Reprinted, slightly expanded, in English: “On the Unity of the Arts and the Early Baroque Opera House,” in Barbara Wisch and Susan Scott Munshower, eds., “All the world's a stage...” Art and Pageantry in the Renaissance and Baroque [Papers in Art History from the Pennsylvania State University, VI], University Park, PA, 1990, Part 2, 518-79. Abbreviated in Perspecta. The Yale Architecture Journal, XXVI, 1990, 1-20.UnityartsEarly Baroqueopera housetheatreorchestraLettres de Parme (1618, 1627-28), et débuts du théâtre baroqueReprinted, slightly expanded, in English: “On the Unity of the Arts and the Early Baroque Opera House,” in Barbara Wisch and Susan Scott Munshower, eds., “All the world's a stage...” Art and Pageantry in the Renaissance and Baroque [Papers in Art History from the Pennsylvania State University, VI], University Park, PA, 1990, Part 2, 518-79.Abbreviated in Perspecta. The Yale Architecture Journal, XXVI, 1990, 1-20.Article