Schmidtke, SabineSabineSchmidtke0000-0002-6181-50652023-06-192023-06-192023Sabine Schmidtke, "Wilferd Madelung Papers: An inventory", unpublished dataset, Schmidtke, "Wilferd Madelung Papers: An inventory", unpublished dataset, Wilferd Madelung Papers were gathered on 24-25 February 2023 from Wilferd Madelung's former Oxford apartment (21 Belsyre Court, Observatory Street) and on 14 March 2023 from the Madelung family residence in River Forest, Illinois (547 Keystone Avenue). Over the course of 2023, the material was brought together and sorted, and the present, still incomplete, inventory reflects this arrangment. The remaining materials will be added over the coming months.Wilferd MadelungWilferd Madelung Papers: An InventoryDataset0000-0002-6181-5065