A. G. Wightman, photographer2018-09-252018-09-251973http:// of Mathematics Faculty member Kurt Gödel. Dorothy Morgenstern Thomas is standing on Gödel's left. "Most likely taken at the director’s Institute garden party in October 1973. A cropped version of the identical image appears in the Kurt Gödel Papers, box 14a, folder 8, ID#110210, described in the finding aid as “portrait 7 October 1973” — which per Oskar Morgenstern’s diary was indeed the date of the garden party at which Gödel was present"- thanks to the researcher Stephen Budiansky for this information.5x7, 8x10B&WPermission to use this image must be requested from the Institute's Archives. Please contact archives@ias.edu.Gödel, KurtInstitute for Advanced Study (Princeton, N.J.). School of MathematicsInstitute for Advanced Study (Princeton, N.J.)--Faculty.Kurt Gödel - portrait - outsideImage