Schmidtke, SabineSabineSchmidtke0000-0002-6181-5065F. Ansari HassanNazari Hamid Ataei Nazari / Ḥamīd ʿaṭāʾī Naẓarī2023-06-212023-06-212023Hassan Ansari, Hamid Ataei Nazari, Sabine Schmidtke, "Imāmī Theological Thought during the Early Seventh/Thirteenth Century: Sālim b. Maḥfūẓ Ibn ʿUzayza (or ʿAzīza) and his K. al-Minhāj," Shii Studies Review 7 (2023), pp. 127–156 Ansari, Hamid Ataei Nazari, Sabine Schmidtke, "Imāmī Theological Thought during the Early Seventh/Thirteenth Century: Sālim b. Maḥfūẓ Ibn ʿUzayza (or ʿAzīza) and his K. al-Minhāj," Shii Studies Review 7 (2023), pp. 127–156MS Tehran, Malik 1650, includes not only one of the earliest witnesses of al-Miqdād b. ʿAbd Allāh b. Muḥammad al-Ḥillī al-Suyūrī’s (d. 826/1422–23) al-Anwār al-jalāliyya fī sharḥ al-Fuṣūl al-naṣīriyya, completed in 852/1448, but also the quotation of a portion of the otherwise lost K. al-Minhāj, a theological summa by the early seventh/thirteenth-century Imāmī scholar Sālim b. Maḥfūṭ Ibn ʿUzayza (or ʿAzīza) that was popular among Imāmī scholars of al-Ḥilla up until the ninth/fifteenth century. The present study discusses the scarce available data about Sālim b. Maḥfūẓ and the reception of his K. al-Minhāj, and it includes an editio princeps of the work’s portion that is preserved in Ms. Tehran, Malik 1650.Sālim b. Maḥfūẓ Ibn ʿUzayza (or ʿAzīza)K. al-Minhājal-Muḥaqqiq al-Ḥillīal-Miqdād al-SuyūrīImāmī kalāmImāmī Theological Thought during the Early Seventh/Thirteenth Century: Sālim b. Maḥfūẓ Ibn ʿUzayza (or ʿAzīza) and his K. al-MinhājJournal article0000-0002-6181-50650000-0002-3048-83990000-0002-4726-6346