Lavin, IrvingIrvingLavin2019-05-012019-05-012014Lavin, Irving, “‘We must leave the city to our children exactly as we found it’," in Philine Helas, et al., eds., Bild/Geschichte. Festschrift für Horst Bredekamp, Berlin, 2007, 491-8., Irving, “‘We must leave the city to our children exactly as we found it’," in Philine Helas, et al., eds., Bild/Geschichte. Festschrift für Horst Bredekamp, Berlin, 2007, 491-8. Italian translation in Lavin, L’arte della storia dell’arte, Milan, 2008, 188-95. Italian translation in Storie di artisti. Storie di libri. L’Editore che inseguiva la Bellezza. Scritti in onore di Franco Cosimo Panini, Modena and Rome, 2008, 241-7. Reprinted as "Italia Mia," 2013, 181-184. Updated English version (unpublished), historianFulbright scholarRomeAmerican Academy in Rome‘We must leave the city to our children exactly as we found it’Italian translation in Lavin, L’arte della storia dell’arte, Milan, 2008, 188-95.Italian translation in Storie di artisti. Storie di libri. L’Editore che inseguiva la Bellezza. Scritti in onore di Franco Cosimo Panini, Modena and Rome, 2008, 241-7.Reprinted as "Italia Mia," 2013, 181-184.Updated English version (unpublished), 2014.Article