Photographer unknownNYS Department of Economic Development2018-09-252018-09-251947http:// in the 1947 Shelter Island Conference on Quantum Mechanics included a number of people associated with the Institute. This photograph features Isidor Rabi, Linus Pauling, J. Van Vleck, W. E. Lamb, Gregory Breit, D. MacInnes, K. K. Darrow, George Uhlenbeck, Julian Schwinger, Edward Teller, Bruno Rossi, Arnold Nordsieck, John von Neumann, John Wheeler, Hans Bethe, R. Serber, R. E. Marshak, Abraham Pais, J. Robert Oppenheimer, David Bohm, Richard Feynman, Victor Weisskopf, and Herman Feshbach.8x10B&WPermission to use this image must be requested from the Institute's Archives. Please contact for Advanced Study (Princeton, N.J.). School of Natural SciencesInstitute for Advanced Study (Princeton, N.J.)--FacultyParticipants in the Shelter Island conferenceImage