Lavin, IrvingIrvingLavin2019-05-012019-05-012007Lavin, Irving, Review of Rudolf Wittkower, Gian Lorenzo Bernini. The Sculptor of the Roman Baroque, London, 1955, in The Art Bulletin, XXXVIII, 1956, 255-60., Irving, Review of Rudolf Wittkower, Gian Lorenzo Bernini. The Sculptor of the Roman Baroque, London, 1955, in The Art Bulletin, XXXVIII, 1956, 255-60. Revised and reprinted in Lavin, Visible Spirit, I, London, 2007, 1-14.Berninirevivalvisual documentationsculpturecatalogue raisonnèReview of Rudolf Wittkower, Gian Lorenzo Bernini. The Sculptor of the Roman BaroqueRevised and reprinted in Lavin, Visible Spirit, I, London, 2007, 1-14.Book Review