Photographer unknown2018-09-252018-09-251998http:// Selberg standing next to the Terracotta Army of the Qin Dynasty in Xian, China. The two women standing with Selberg have not been identified. The print was housed in a heavyweight illustrated paperboard portfolio with text on the front in Chinese and English about the site and marked on the back with other text, including: C.I.T.S Xian Colour Plating Co. One of a series of images taken during a 1998 trip by Selberg to China.8 x 10ColorPermission to use this image must be requested from the Institute's Archives. Please contact, AtleInstitute for Advanced Study (Princeton, N.J.)--FacultyInstitute for Advanced Study (Princeton, N.J.). School of MathematicsAtle Selberg standing with two unidentified women next to the Terracotta Army in Xian, ChinaImage