Lavin, IrvingIrvingLavin2019-05-012019-05-012012Lavin, Irving, “Argan's Rhetoric and the History of Style (Retorica e Barocco)," in Claudio Gamba, ed., Giulio Carlo Argan: intellettuale e storico dell'arte, Milan, 2012, 256-263., Irving, “Argan's Rhetoric and the History of Style (Retorica e Barocco)," in Claudio Gamba, ed., Giulio Carlo Argan: intellettuale e storico dell'arte, Milan, 2012, 256-263.Giulio Carlo Arganhistory of styleRetorica e baroccotheory of rhetoricBaroque artClaudio GambaArgan's Rhetoric and the History of Style (Retorica e Barocco)Article