Lavin, IrvingIrvingLavin2019-05-012019-05-012009Lavin, Irving, “Il problema dei senzatetto nella Roma del Seicento," in Lavin, Bernini e il salvatore, 1998, 81-94., Irving, “Il problema dei senzatetto nella Roma del Seicento," in Lavin, Bernini e il salvatore, 1998, 81-94. Published in English as “Bernini’s Bust of the Savior and the Problem of the Homeless in Seventeenth-Century Rome,” Italian Quarterly, XXXVII, 2000, 209-51. Revised and reprinted in Lavin, Visible Spirit, II, London, 2009, 849-916.Gian Lorenzo Berninibustsaviorhomelessseventeenth centuryRomeRenaissanceIl problema dei senzatetto nella Roma del SeicentoPublished in English as “Bernini’s Bust of the Savior and the Problem of the Homeless in Seventeenth-Century Rome,” Italian Quarterly, XXXVII, 2000, 209-51.Revised and reprinted in Lavin, Visible Spirit, II, London, 2009, 849-916.Article